Saturday, 30 January 2016

Not So New Year

Today is already the last day of January 16 and look what I have forgotten? I forgot (more like don't have time) to write as I promised to myself.

2015 was among the best year for us. God is too kind for me and my family and that I need to submit myself more. I think I never be thankful enough for all the blessings and it is embarrassing.

2016 has just started and so far it went well.  I am still struggling to  manage between career and play a mommy role, which I constantly will remind myself that both job is Ibadah thus I gotta work my best.  I needed all the strength and patience and also world peace lol because not all my kids are easy and sometimes the co-workers at the office are driving me crazy too.
Anyway, gotta do what I gotta do. Moga dipermudahkan. Insha Allah.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Jimat ke?

As salam, 2 days to go for hari raya but here I am, in the office doing nothing. I don't have any pending jobs wuhuuu and everybody seems don't bother to concentrate at work. Persiapan hari raya semua sudah tersedia, biasa biasa sahaja. Saya seperti biasa, as a planner of the house akan buat early preparation sebab saya tidak suka chaos, tidak suka bersusah payah di saat akhir. Bila adik adik ipar tahu yang saya sudah siap menggosok baju segala, diorang kata saya excited nak beraya. Well, not at all. I just don't like last minute job. Nanti sesak nafas dan stress. (true story) 

Tahun ini mahu self praise kepada diri sendiri sebab tidak menghabiskan wang untuk barangan kurang penting. Sebelum ini ada saja knick knacks yang nak dibeli, untuk deko katanya. End up terdampar sepi sebab kurang praktikal. Lagipun zaman gst ni semuanya mahal dan membebankan, jadi kita omit barangan yang tidak perlu. Habis cerita. Lagi pula, kami sedang berjimat cermat untuk our first oversea trip pada September nanti. Teruja untuk memulakan perjalanan dan melihat tempat orang. Destinasi yang kami pilih pun adalah bandar yang efficient dengan public transport and english speaking. Travel dgn anak anak kecil amatlah mendebarkan dan ini akan menjadi benchmark untuk kami whether we can continue travel next year.
Jadi kids, behave ya kalau mahu terus melancong!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Kisah Perkahwinan

Last weekend was a big day for my SIL. It was a very tiring event but a very fun 4 days, 4 night wedding ceremony. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Tak stress okay macam dulu-dulu. Faktor usia dan kematangan buat saya boleh enjoy the flow.  Anak-anak pun seronok tetapi mereka tanya kenapa kena pergi rumah Tuk Leng hari-hati? Well kids, kena sabar sikit eh. bear with it because 2 more wedding event I tell ya.
I love weddings. They always made me reminisced ours. This year genap kami 9 tahun. Anak pun sudah 3 Alhamdulillah. Bila makin besar, makin banyak akalnya, makin kami kena jaga percakapan. Anak anak selalu confuse bila kami bertelagah. Silap kami kadang kadang terlepas, tak dapat kawal diri lalu naik angin. Kalau orang tahu apa punca kami bertengkar mesti geli hati pelik dan cakap ‘ek eleh bende camtu pun nak bawak gaduh’. Hahaha, but that’s us. Selalunya Sophia yang akan jadi jaksa pendamai. Dia tu, x boleh tengok kalau saya marah. Nanti dia kata, mama jangan marah papa. Tadi saya nampak mama marah papa. Saya cakap pada dia, mama tak marah papa, mama sayang papa okay!
Saya dan suami bagaikan langit dan bumi. Kami tidak sekufu dalam banyak perkara tetapi saya sangat perlukan dia. Mungkin lebih dari dia perlukan saya. Ini yang saya rasa, tidak pula pernah nak tanya dia. Tapi kami punya impian yang sama. Mahu jadi kaya dan beragama, mahu jadi kaya dan berjaya. Mahu jelajahi dunia bersama-sama. Mahu grow old together and tease each other. Saya cuma mampu berdoa moga Allah panjangkan jodoh dan umur kami. Semalam suami kata pada saya, dia berharap dia pergi dulu sebelum saya. Lalu saya jawab, wah ini selfish mahu saya tempuh life seorang diri uruskan semuanya. LOL! Tapi jodoh dan ajal bukannya ditangan kita. Andainya saya pergi dulu, saya mahu suami saya itu move on dan moga Allah kurniakan dia teman hidup baru dari kalangan yang baik-baik. Kawan pernah tanya saya bagi tak suami kahwin lain kalau saya mati dulu. Hahaha. Saya jawab, ini soalan apa ni? Kalau aku mati dulu macam mana aku nak beri kebenaran atau tidak? Tapi bagi saya, saya mahu dia kembali berpasangan dan harapnya boleh sayang anak-anak saya sekali. Saya memandang institusi kekeluargaan itu tidak lengkap kalau seorang sahaja yang kena handle dan fikir everything sebab fitrah dan kudrat lelaki dan wanita itu berbeza-beza.
Jadi anak-anakku Sarah, Sophia dan Ali, mama & papa sangat berharap jodoh dan umur kami panjang. Dapat lihat kamu semua berkeluarga dan jaga kamu dan isteri kamu dalam pantang. (too forward thinking I know!). Tapi jika takdir tak menyebelahi kita, kena pandai bawa diri dang ell into situations, Allah takkan menzalimi hambanya melebihi kemampuan mereka. Insyaallah, semua akan baik baik sahaja. Bye!

Friday, 29 May 2015

Some random lesson

Among of hubs workers are two Bangladeshi guy, Amin and Bahrin. They are really hardworking and always look for the opportunity to do extra work. You see, extra work means extra salary. They both came to Malaysia for the sake of supporting their family back in Bangladesh.
Amin is really an extraordinary guy. He always call hubs on Saturday night just to offer his help with the house chores. So hubs is always let Amin to assist him with the housework like sweeping the lawn after hubs finished mow them, arranging the backyard storage area etc. He will get paid accordingly plus a lunch and solat stop at our home.
Early this month, hubs told us that Amin did extra job outside which outside is working as a security guard at night. So he often feel lethargic during the day and this affects his performance. Apparently, he needs extra extra money because his other sibling is pursuing a study back home and needs a financial aid. So hubs just advise him to be fair to the day work and manage himself accordingly.
I always pity him. According to hubs, he didn’t spend much of his salary, most of it will be sent to his family. He always recycles the same clothes and maybe he only has 2-3 pc to wear. I once saw him wore a slack while helping hubs with the lawn. Very improper attire but have to make do with whatever available. I always ask hubs to bring leftover from our breakfast to work and he will share the meal with Amin and he, being very grateful always thank us for that.
Yesterday, hubs told me that Amin had resigned, to work at Melaka which nearly doubled the salary but of course he gotta work day and night. He feels sad about this,sad of losing a friend and also a good staff. He needs to train a new person and it is tiresome.
Sarah, Sophia and Ali. You gotta to know how lucky you are, able to have and ask for almost anything from us. You don’t have to be apart from the family, have a proper place to shelter, enough food to fill up your tummy and the occasionally trip to the toy shop for your toys. Know that this might be temporary as we do not know what our future hold for us but always try to be grateful for whatever you have now. I know it is hard to be really grateful because we are human, and human has never enough. But by keeping yourself to the ground and look at those unfortunate one will help. May the gratefulness be with you.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


This blog is dedicated to Sarah Khadeja, Sophia Raihana and Muhammad Ali..
The reason I set up this blog is to write about my children, as a momento for them to reminisce the memories they may forget.
Kids, you are my greatest gifts from Allah. Someday we may argue and someday you may leave me but know that come rain or shine, I will always be there for you.